Program of Incentive to the Chain of the Plastic

PICPLAST (by its initials in Spanish) aims to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the plastic transformation industry in Mexico, based on three axes:

Competitiveness and innovation

Competitiveness and innovation

Develop the competitiveness of the plastic transformation industry through training to improve their processes, products and solutions with the collaboration of Anáhuac University Anahuac.


Competitividad e Innovación


Export Promotion

Promotion for companies to have access to international markets and control over the technical aspects of export.

Advantages of Plastic

Promotion and appreciation of the advantages of plastic as a sustainable solution for the needs of today's society through:

  • Life cycle analysis.
  • Waste Management Programs.
  • Waste Management Programs.


If you need more information, please contact:

Mariana Albarrán (55) 6234 1100 ext. 0157

Or you can send us a email to: